Erectile dysfunction is not a separate disease, but rather a syndrome that occurs in other diseases. This term implies a concept where erection of the penis is completely absent, insignificant or poorly controllable during a sexual intercourse at the right time.
According to statistics, erectile dysfunction to some extent found in 20% of adult men and 33% of men over the age of 60 years, regardless of race or color. Experts also argue that this pathology is more common in developed countries. According to the same statistics, each year an increasing number of men aged 42-47 suffer the so-called male menopause. This phenomenon implies weight gaining, hair thinning, significant testosterone levels decreases and even more sharp decreases of libido and potency.
The causes of erectile dysfunction are many: in some cases it is associated with stress, in others – with hormonal disorders, injuries, etc. A survey was conducted, which showed that 65% of men who have suffered a heart attack during the last six months revealed they had problems with erection.
A special role in the formation of ED issues plays unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, regular alcohol consumption, consuming fatty foods, as well as elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, which is fraught with early developing hypogonadism. When it exceeds the norms, a regression of the gonads takes place and the male faces problems with potency.
Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is carried out by several methods:
1. Ultrasound is initiated to determine the level of permeability of blood vessels. Evaluation of blood made on erect penis (erection stimulating medicine). Ultrasound is also prescribed to determine and measure the dilatation pressure.
2. Measurement of the innervation of the penis – a reflex reaction that allows checking the condition of the nerves of the penis. It is carried out by measuring the reflex of vessels and the degree of sensitivity of the penis to vibrations.
3. The test for nocturnal erections is conducted with the help of sensors that detect the amount and duration of erections during the active phase of sleep.
Erectile dysfunction medications in Canadian viagra pharmacy:
There is no drug in the world, which would effectively eliminates all the issues related to ED. Yet there is a selection of drugs that improve blood flow, but they, unfortunately, do not eliminate the cause, though they enable to achieve certain improvements in sexual life (prolonged erection, more controllable process, etc.). Often they are the only means that it gives good results with psychogenic erectile dysfunction.
Modern medicine claims that more than 94% of male population can be saved from this pathological syndrome. The impressive results can not only be achieved with the use of the drugs. Recently, an invasive therapy of fallos prosthetics (the penis is implanted with a semi-rigid inflatable prostheses) is gaining momentum. The devices enables the stronger sex to achieve an erection sufficient to carry out the sexual act fully quite quickly.
Such operations are in great demand all over the world. The most comfortable prostheses are considered to be the three-component devices produced in the United States and Germany.